Friday, 15 April 2016


Oh no, we're not sad, we're having a lazy day.

A very lazy day, for we're in bed or rather, she's in bed and I'm perched on top of her head. We got up at a reasonable hour, ate delicious things but she was tired, I think it's from all that emotion of finding those treasures yesterday and as the weather forecast was grim (and has proved to be correct), she made aother mug of LapySang and we climbed back up into bed.

Blissfully happy knowing that, having taken a fish tail and a pair of duck breasts out of the frosty larder for todays' and tomorrows' supper, together with having leeks, carrots and beetroots in the vegetable basket, a new pot of no-fat yogurt in chilly larder together with loaf of scrummy seeded bread, there's no reason to 'hit the road Jack' to go food shopping, she might raid the library later and on her way back, will stop to collect her mail from MailBox.

She also has an extremely good reason for staying quietly at home.. for she has received the most beautiful gift. She had, for many years, a client in San Francisco, she worked on their home and also on several of their clients' homes.

Apparently, one of these clients was asking about her recently and when told that she no longer flew to California on a regular basis, she said "well, we'll have to send San Francisco to her, remember that wonderful meal we had when she started working on my house in 2005, let's send her the cookbook".

If you're a native of San Francisco, you'll probably know 'which' cookbook she was referring to but for those of you who are not familiar with this towns' eateries.. it's the 'The Zuni Cafe Cookbook'.*

A seriously wonderfulwonderful book full of great recipes, I recommend you look for it either first or second hand..

The work she does have to start on is to make the back room liveable-in. She must have tidied up the right side of the cupboard at some point as there was very little that went into a rubbish bag, there will be a little more when she sorts through those old files but she was surprised not to find more 'junk'.

It's the left hand side of this cupboard that might have / be full of junky stuff!  Even she admits it does look higgledy-piggledy when you open the doors. But she cannot do this side until she tidies up the back room. Otherwise, she'll go crazy and she's already half way there, as you all well know!

So here we are.. sadly not 'sitting in the sun' but 'lying in the bed and getting no days' work done at all' .. with apologies to Johnny Mercer & Hoagy Carmichael.. reading up on how to brine duck.. for two Barberry Duck breasts are sitting quietly defrosting in YumYum HQ.

It is very pleasant to be quiet like this, her head is still as she's either tapping iPad or reading on-line newspapers, so I am able to doze peacefully knowing she's under my toes and not up to no good.. you know mothers.. they can get up to all sorts of sneaky tricks if you don't watch them.. like a parrot.

GeeGee Parrot.
April 15, 2016.
PostScript: Judy Rodgers of Zuni Cafe died in 2013.

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