Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Yes, you did read the title correctly.. down under in Sydney, Australia there lives a Magpie called Penquin. He was rescued by Noah Bloom in 2013 when he found the baby bird who was only a few weeks old abandoned in their garden.

Penquin Magpie now lives the life of old Reilly with his family and is adored, as ALL animals 'should' be.. more on that subject later in this post. He feels safe and is treated, as the photos, taken by Cameron Bloom, as part of the family.

The sweetest photo is of him snuggling with Sam Bloom, his human mum, on her shoulder. But his interaction with all of his family is wonderful.

And now we are going to talk about a poor animal, a Scottish Terrier, who is most certainly NOT treated with the love and respect that Penguin, the Australian Magpie is.

For we are now going to the subjects of Crufts. Oh dear.. oh dear.. she has always been wary of the dog breeding and showing world.. don't even mention the phrase 'puppy farming' around her, for that, Dear Readers, is one of her BIGGEST mad & sad hates.

The photo of the owner of the winning dog picking her terrier's hind quarters right up off the ground by his tail, was pretty shocking AND the owner, who had been reprimanded several times by the officials for doing this, when questioned by officials on this mal-treatment, compounded her felony by saying "....., I did it out of habit".

DID you see that? Habit, which means she does it a lot, grrrr. Thank goodness I am not that woman's parrot for she would, undoubtedly, keep me in a cage all day long, ugh. How utterly revolting this woman is.

But any stranger would probably think that I am being treated very badly, why, you ask? Well, it is now Spring and what do animals (and birds) do in Springtime? We moult.. and oh lordy, I sure do look as if several moths have eaten or chewed my feathers!

My timing is not good. It really is such a pity as Granny Jo, one of my fans, is coming to see me on Sunday, by which time I will have probably started plucking my left leg, my stomach already looks most peculiar indeedy but they have to go, these old feathers, so new glossy ones can come through.

She is going out for supper, she's already been out for lunch and now she is off out again! She'll get stout if this sort of behaviour continues. Apparently Elizabeth and she had a pleasant and quite delicious lunch, they joined another two members of the club and stayed for the quiz.

Who knows the answer to this question.. Which country were the USA at war with in 1812? She wrote down Mexico and her answer was wrong.. they were at war with England.. who knew? Not her, obviously! She was completely hopeless on the Classical composers.. Must try harder.. sigh.

She came home and gave me a bribe.. we don't usually have pomegranate so often but a large chunk of my favourite jewels has appeared.. huh.. does she think that I won't notice when she sidles out of the door, don't worry, I'll get my revenge, a quick 'dudu' on the back of her head just before she goes out should do the trick and 'fix' her.. hahaha!

But I see some new tasty yumyum things to be sampled have appeared, I had better stop complaining and go to maraud my dish. PipPip.

GeeGee Parrot.
March 11th, 2015.

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