Monday, 23 March 2015


OH.. what a joy it was to eat! It brought back memories of last summer and eating lettuce leaves at the allotment that had been cut from a mother plant only minutes before. This was delicious, torn into pieces, dressed with olive oil, a squeeze of fresh lemon and a scrummy mix of ground herbs, pepper and sea salt, it made the perfect bed for a Barberry duck breast to sit upon and to relax.

Tasty.. is not a big enough word to describe the flavours but scrummydumptious is!

It is a day that she should have gone to work at the allotment but there was 'stuff' ~ such a useful word ~ to be done. Childrens clothes to be taken to the shop, a bill to be paid and a cheque for the HUGE sum of £2.00 to be paid into her bank.

Ah yes.. Now I ask you a question? IS your daily Pinta an actual pint? The reason she was sent this tiny cheque was because, when making a batch of soda bread back in January, she noticed that the contents of a tub of Buttermilk amounted to a great deal less than the contents listed! HUH.

And it was not just the one tub that was seriously under content, she'd bought six tubs and they were all missing a lot. So she wrote to the company ~ DairyCrest ~ an email and complained. She had no response until this small amount on a huge cheque appeared in the post.

Do you complain, Dear Readers? They were extremely fortunate that she had bought the six tubs, for if she had had to go out and buy another to make up the fluid content for her dough.. she would NOT have been a happy baker, that's for sure!

Back to that lettuce.. it was undoubtedly grown in a poly tunnel, for it is still far too cold (and frosty) to grow lettuce outside but what a great taste it had. Our last frost date at the allotments is June 9th,(yes, that late) and we count backwards for planting seeds at home.

She has some very useful things at the plots, they're plastic Sun Tunnels made by Botanico, which are about 2 metres long and about 50cms high at the tallest bit, they have air vents at either end and she pins them to the ground with tent pegs. They give plants just the right amount of protection, should old naughty Mr. Jack Frost thinks it fun to sctter his icy ice about a bit.

They look expensive, but she bought hers OVER ten years ago and they're still going strong! The trick, at the end of the season, is to clean them, then store them packed inside themselves in a dry place where they won't get crushed or damaged.

Then hey presto.. hey-li-cheese.. they're ready for you to use in Spring! She starts off LOTS of different varities of: beans, peas, lettuces, beetroots, radishes, and all the other such lubbly-jubbly things that we munch with huge delight, at home on the sitting room window ledge, then they're planted out at the allotments and the Sun Tunnels really help these baby plants adjust.

We're lucky to have a couple of Mr. and Mrs. Fox living nearby. Why are we lucky? Well, we don't have either Master Peter or Master Benjamin Bunny living on the allotment site, that's for sure!

Whoops! Is that the time? Where does it go? Hurry-scurry, she has to meet Susan in Streatham Hill but before that she has to go to the Library, which she did not get to yesterday.

So it is a good thing that she's not a rabbit, for after such a large helping of green leaves, she would be fast asleep, what do mean you don't know what I'm talking about? Don't you remember Beatrix writing that lettuce was soporific for rabbits.

I'm away to the top of my cupboard and she's off with WW.. Zoom-a-Zoom.. I wonder if those two Goaty mums, the ones that were looking 'thoughtful' yesterday evening, had their kiddly-diddlies? Busy nights for our friend Debbie, aka Goaty Mum. So we are mighty glad that she remembered to take her those two pots of the ishPol salad..

GeeGee Parrot.
March 23rd, 2015.
PostScript: Please don't tell me you don't know who Beatrix is.

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