Monday, 5 May 2014


No, this is not a silly sentence! I know it looks a bit odd but it is true, a small bed of Caulis did not flower so they could not be called Cauliflowers!

"Gettit?" As rude LuLu says to her sometimes, did ya gettit? That woman has no respect for her elders. It is having a dog that does it, she lived here in London for countless years with no animal, one cannot count a husband or child, animals are completely different, now she is very cheeky.

Back to those Caulis, out of about 30, she got six that were what one would recognise and call a proper Cauliflower and she gave one away. The rest all joined up with the delinquent Cherry trees and behaved in a very silly fashion, waving long spindly arms in the air like they were a member of some sprouting family.

That bug or whatever caused her to feel so grim went in the night so she was up early and out of the house before eleven of the morning clock.

She didn't take the grass trimmer as she thought it is noisy for people if they are having a bbq.. huh.. Billy up the track has his strimmer and his lawn mower going from midday for about three hours, that means she will not bother being 'considerate' this week! 

Tomorrow she is having needles stuck into her, aka acupunture, it really helps that poor old dodgy knee and it will need any help it can get for there is much work to do at the allotments!

We are still in May but the June Drop has started already, this is when a fruit tree decides which baby fruit are going to be jetisoned. 

She prowled around looking at all the trees and bushes, the currants and gooseberries, apples, pears, plums and figs will be the stars of this summer, we will be very low on cherries. The bad weather came just when they were coming into flower and blew it off the trees, the other fruit trees were already set, so it did not matter. 

Never mind, she will be able to do a proper very 'severe prune' in June on all the stone fruit trees and she must remember to get those Plum Moth traps. 

Little Miss Victoria Plum had a hard time with these wretched moths last year, we don't want it to happen again or to get onto the Seneca Plum trees.

Asparagus was in fine growth, she left lots to go to seed but there was still plenty to bring home, big fat spears.

She had a long chat with Ros, who we are happy to report, is taking delivery of a Lurcher puppy in two weeks time. She 'lost' her two sweet Lurchers and her much beloved Jack, husband of forty years, last year all within a period of eight months.


Raven, for this is the puppy's name, sounds like a dead ringer for Dizzy, coal black with a white flash on his chest and he has big paws to fill as both Dizzy and Mia were wonderful dogs.

So it is 'needles' in the morning and then grass cutting in the afternoon, lots to do as she has said she will run the trimmer over Ros's plots as well.

Now it is supper time, so please excuse us both as we need to head for YumYum HQ asap!

I hope that you have all enjoyed your Cinco de Mayo? FlapFlap.. Dear Readers.. FlapFlap.

GeeGee Parrot.
May 5, 2014.

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