Sunday, 15 April 2012



Well, Dear Reader, those poor old Brass Monkeys... WE are sad to report ole Jack Frost is back, the bad lad is scattering his icy ice and frosty stuff about. HER Orange trees don't like it a bit, that is for sure! Since SHE moved them back into courtyard after spending their cosy winter inside, they have become used to light and a bit of warmth on their leaves and blossoms are starting to show. Have YOU ever smelt Orange blossom? It is one of the 'fairest' scents of all.

But SHE has clever trick up sleeve. To stop ole Jack spitting his icy ice on HER beloved trees, SHE is going to make drawstrings bags out of nylon mesh, then trees will be safe outside on window ledge.

SHE is vastly amused... poor thing, between YOU, ME and front door, SHE does have a weird sense of humour! SHE received a request last week to do something... with no question of how SHE found it to be or anything like that, SHE responded by saying "WE had already done what you wanted a long time ago by writing about it on GeeGee's Blog" and jurst incase the person was not clever enough to find MY Blog, SHE attached the link.

Since then... zilch, nothing, nada, nienti, rien... and certainly 'nothing' like "thank you" and every day that goes by without these elusive two words being said, the funnier SHE thinks it is, there really is NO accounting for HER taste in humour, in the southern states of America they would say "Bless HER heart"..

And, SHE received a message late last Tuesday night from someone who was known as 'Lovely Assistant' from Studio days, he wrote of being hectic and how was I? Yawn, SHE has never been one to be interested in knowing about chaos and confusion. WE have other things on mind now.

And indeed WE do...

For SHE Is truly Hugo's daughter and has nose into books, big fat research books, HER 'evil eye look' is cast upon ME if I even venture to cast a look at these hard backed books lying 'unprotected' as it were on bed.. oh, BIG smack on beak would happen if I was stupid enough to beak, nibble or munch one of these books.

SHE reads in bed, really best place, it has clever light which swivels out from wall, fat pillows and bed-head, table, flask and ME sitting on HER head to keep it warm.. for surely temperature has dropped considerably.. three weeks ago, SHE was gardening in shorts and a sleeveless t.shirt.

But tonight all is cosy and peaceful, WE had truly SCRUMMYDUMPTIOUS supper of pasta and chicken soup, with some sweet corn and carrots, hot and tasty it was as SHE added chilli flakes and ginger oil. Oh, I LURVE chicken and pasta. WE are jurst like Jack Sprat and his wife in this house, SHE drinks the soup and I scoff the bits! Such a treat on a cold, damp April evening.

Now SHE has had nose in book and ME dozing on HER head, SHE has typed MY Blog, it is past midnight.. any minute now SHE will raise a hand and I will have to jet propel myself onto top of cupboard.. for it is the dreaded hour.. aka 'bedtime'... I know, I know YOU know, I stick wing up, I am nearly eight years old, almost a grown up but I still don't like going to bed.. sigh.

But B-E-D time it is.. sleep well everyone, except for Rosamund who is probably preparing to have Sunday lunch with her grandchildren down under in Australia, "gudday" Ros.

GeeGee Parrot.
April 15th, 2012.

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