Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Greetings Dear Reader.

April Showers.. I know WE haven't had them for past two years but here in south of England newspapers are squeaking and carrying on in ridiculous fashion.. as if end is nigh.. rubbish.. it should rain in April, otherwise, HOW are our fruit and vegetables supposed to grow?

SHE is potting up seedlings and putting them outside, poor things, they are in for shock after being in kitchen but it has to happen before SHE plants them at allotment.. it is called 'hardening off' and that is what it does, toughens plants up before they have their toes put into real world.

Talking about 'real world', SHE sometimes wonders where some people live! That person who SHE did favour for has STILL not said "thank you", SHE realised that they don't intend to. Let them work out what SHE has done.. being taken for granted is something SHE is mighty bored with.. HER friends do not treat HER like this.

SHE and I are going to Sheffield mid May to stay with Debi, this will be fun! WE will meet Stephanie, Debi's friend who wears blue uniform.. yes, policewoman! I shall have to practise best manners, NO Bad Bat Behaviour in Yorkshire, oh no. I think I shall do plenty of please, thank you and whistle a happy tune.. MURST not let Aunt Debi down.

I told YOU yesterday SHE went to market and brought yumyum home.. what I didn't tell YOU that WE have two Native Crabs in fridge.. this was because I did not want dreadful rush of HER friends coming down stairs before SHE went to cinema.. Yup, two Native Crabs.. yub-a-dub-a-doo, were cooked and are in bottom of fridge.

Oh, how I LURVE Crab, SHE will make egg sauce with spring onion, mustard and olive oil and together with bowl of baby potatoes, WE will have such SCRUMMYDUMPTIOUS supper tonight.

And talking of scrummy supper, last night SHE had delicious Chinese food before film. Mister Chef was on his very BEST form, Singapore Noodles were absolute perfection, as was plate of mixed vegetables.. yes, yes, with plenty of HOT Chilli Oil and very large pot of tea.

Then off SHE 'waddled' to sit in comfy seat and watch 'Citizen Kane'..

Do YOU remember what / who 'Rosebud' was, Dear Reader?

GeeGee Parrot.
April 18th, 2012.

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