Tuesday, 26 December 2017

'Little prayer be on your way. Bless our friends on Christmas Day'.

We have had a glorious day, we dressed or rather she dressed, I just straightened a few feathers, then we went up the stairs for a family Christmas lunch with Tereza, Jean-Luc, Georgia, Rebecca and another guest whose name, I am ashamed to say, I didn't actually catch.

There was my French buddy who'se used to us parrots and knows how we like to hang out on them, I clambered out of my cage and onto his hand.

And stood chatting with him until it was time to sit down for lunch, then I flew onto mum's head and settled down to receive whatever was going, for Tereza had provided lovely yumyum.. snack-attack is a phrase that comes to mind!

I descended via her ear, slid onto her shoulder, waddled along her arm and got down onto the table. A little munch here, a slightly bigger munch there and then a slurp of tea. How very pleasant it all was.

And Tereza gave mama two beautiful pashminas, in scarlet and a butter cream.. so beautiful.

Then it was time to come downstairs, pick up a large square mysterious package, grab a coat and go up the street to have tea with our Lebanese friends.. aka Myra and Raja.

What was in the package? Well, her, our Lebanese friend's favourite nuts are pecans, so what could be more perfect that a glorious 'proper' Pecan Pie!

"Hello darling, how lovely to see you, oh and you've brought GeeGee, come in, come in out of the wet", with that we sat down, mama produced the big square box and said "this is for you".

"Ooooh, pecan pie" said Myra as she took the top of the box, "and it's a proper pecan pie too, oh yum, where did you find this?". "Ah ha" said mama, "it came from Baker & Spice in Milner Street".

We sat, chatted, drank coffee and ate pie.. or rather the adults drank coffee, I had slurps of tea and crunched pecans from the top of the pie.

What a great festive 'foodie' day this was!

Then it was time to come home and for her to call friends whom we didn't speak to this morning.

And now.. heehee.. I'm going to make you wish that YOU have one of our friends as your friend.. for guess what was in a gift that she opened this morning?

Psssst: I'd better tell you that you don't have the smallest snowballs chance in hell of guessing what Raja has given her.

It's two dvd sets, the first 2 disc series is from BBC Earth called 'Yellowstone'. We caught two episodes of this incredible documentary and raved about it here (on my blog) and so to have the complete series is just brilliant and a truly most wonderful treat.

And the other? It's also from the BBC and it is called  'Wild China', this is a documentary that was shown quite recently and we only caught the last couple of episodes and it is truly magnificent.

Dearest Raja, who remembers everything, had recalled conversations they had in the autumn about these incredible documentaries and had bought them for her.

Well, now you know where we will be for the next few evenings.. we'll be glued to a screen watching wondrous things which are real.. like 'really' real.

Which is a 'little' bit better for you than being addicted to that weird thing called FaceBook, which tells HUGE wopping gross fibs.. aka lies about people wanting to send you 'Messages' and constanty thrusts strange people at you all the time saying 'these are friends', when hello, we've never seen any of them before in our life. 

Don't let me get started..

Instead, I will tell you what that Goaty person Debbie gave her.. it's a long, very long hot water bottle!

No, I ain't kiddin' you folks, it's about a metre long and it has a cosy fleecy cover. And she can't wait for the weather to turn cold again so she can fill it up and go out to the garden with it. For you can wear it around your neck or around your waist.. like a fat, hot snake.

Dear Readers, the man on the moon and our postman already know that she's a trifle strange and now that norty goaty friend of ours is making sure that everyone knows it! I shall have to have a little word in her shell-like.. aka ear.

But what is puzzling me, is how did she find it? For she's an extremely busy goaty mum, she milks them, she makes incredible award-winning cheeses, she does all the paperwork and let me tell you folks, the paperwork that is involved with the production of milk and cheese and the 'husbandry' of goats (or cows) is mind-boggling.

So how did she have the time to find the 'YuYu' - this is what it's called and snug is a completely inadequate word to use for the sheer blissikins of this long furry snake.

Yawn, well, it is our bed time for us dollies. We've had an happy day spent with friends who've been extremely kind and very hospitable and we'll pen them our 'thank you' notes tomorrow.

We also have to call the Pewsey gang to find out how Tom's deep-fried turkey came out? Yes, you read that correctly.. he deep-fried or was planning to deep-fry the Christmas bird. I'll report back with all the news that's fit to print.

Good night to you all.

GeeGee Parrot.
Christmas Day.
December 25th, 2017.

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