Saturday, 23 May 2015


She has no 'OFF' switch for gardening when the sun is lurking, the weather warm and the loppers sharp! She met Andrew as arranged and she showed him what she wants 'all gone'.. it being a huge square patch of blackberries.

Sods Law is that the season is going to be a wonderful one with lots of fruit but if she doesn't get rid of them now, they'll spread even further. So she cut back the front line and has uncovered her three beautiful white peonies which are very sad looking, as well they might be, having been completely covered up by huge blackberry briars and having had no sun for two years!

She'll go tomorrow after meeting Debbie at Marylebone Farmer's Market, yes, it is dumpling day again! And if she leaves early enough on Monday, although it is a Bank Holiday, she should be able to get another six hours work done out there and this way the two men will know exactly where to start cutting.

Andrew is calling in Matt, so the two of them will be able to do it all in a day. She 'found' her original red currant! That too had been gobbled up by a particularly vicious briar so she took great pleasure in lopping it to the ground!

My cage has a briar growing through it! So I will stay at home until she has cleared the entire back fence of the terrace. She is going to throw the cuttings over the fence, they grow from there, so they can have the cuttings back and it will stop anyone having any ideas of climbing the fence from that spot.. dead briar is a wickedly sharp nasty thing!

Tired.. yes, she is very tired but it is a realy good thing to be so tired because of hard work with lots of fresh air and exercise. Trimmer worked well all day and she was able to do most of the paths, she has to cut back and dig out an old jasmine, it has fallen over and has encroached on a baby fig tree. And prune (hard) all of the fig trees!

There is much to do.. but six and a half hours got a lot done today and she's pleased with her work. Now it is time for bed.. with nuts, grapes and a book and then her bedside light will go out at ten o'clock when I go to bed.

PipPip.. we hope you're having an equally happy time?

May 23rd, 2015.

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