Friday, 29 May 2015


We had the scummiest of omelettes yesterday with which to break that dreadful fast.. two eggs with a handful of delicious grated cheddar and as you know, yesterday she complained about her right hand. The fingers were swollen and would not bend.

She is allergic to the Nightshade family.. Aubergines, Peppers, Potatoes and Tomatoes.. they trigger her arthritis immediately and her hand becomes painful. So she was slightly confused why her hand was SO swollen and SO sore yesterday despite not having eaten any, or so she thought, of those dreaded four!

This morning, she said to me "It was very scrummy and you enjoyed it, would you like another cheddar omelette?" I went "wooo", this signifies yes. So down came omelette pan, out of their bowl came two fat eggs.. we are in the UK, egg producers do not wash their eggs so they do NOT have to be kept in the fridge like in the USA..

Out of chilly white larder came a packet of Lidl's Grated Cheddar and whilst waiting for the butter to melt, she read in the list of ingredients: Cheddar Cheese and Potato Starch. POTATO STARCH! Which explained yesterday's sore paw.

She'll be informing Lidl and the UK producers about this being so dangerous to some people.. the company who produce this list MILK in BOLD letters as an Allergen on the packet but what about Potato Starch which also causes people to have reactions.

Why do they have to have it mixed into the cheese in the first place? Is it to stop the grated cheese sticking to itself? More will be discovered, I am sure and she will report back to me on this serious subject.

She can and we do eat the Sweet Potato Family, This is no relation to the ordinary Potato in any way. Thank goodness! For baked or boiled those strange looking orange tubers are reallyreally delicious!

It is a dreary wet morning, not a good rose picking day and as she dances to her own tune these days, she is changing her mind and taking three pots of Herbs to give to Susan. Rosemary, Thyme and Dill.. the later being the herb without which no self respecting Scandinavian woman can live!

So we had better get going and start our day.. which is almost the last day of May.

GeeGee Parrot.
May 29th, 2015.

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