Wednesday, 13 May 2015


It's incredibly windy, flippin' cold and she was grumpy today! But she had good news yesterday.

She had to go to Guys Hospital down at London Bridge yesterday morning, it was bright, sunny and warm but she's English.. so she took a jacke as well. Which was a good thing for, by the time the train pulled into London Bridge Station, it was chilly-billy to say the least.

Into Guys Hospital and zoom up onto the 22nd flooor to the Dental Hospital.. I know.. another hospital appointment. She's had a bellyful of medical stuff this year and if you think you're bored by it all.. trying being her!

She was there because Tatiana, her dentist, saw something she didn't like so she had to go to have it investigated.. and as luck would have it the imaging dept (xray & untra-sound) had a no-show, so she was whisked upstairs and slotted in. They found.. zilch.. yippee, they scanned the entire roof of her mouth, so whatever Tatiana had seen had gone!

But by the time she got out of the hospital at 5.30, it was too late to come home and go out again, so she went straight to Streatham Hill by train and off to Rotary. What a happy evening, they had two Rotarians who are visiting London from Bainbridge, NY State and Daphne was being made an Honorary Rotarian, she was twice a Mayor of Lambeth.. more about her in another post.

Don't worry folks.. she had left me with two bowls of yumyum. I dozed for most of the day and then squeaked a lot when she got home at half past nine.

This morning.. out early again.. to tell her GP to expect a letter from Moorfields Eye Hospital about her Glaucoma and to give her doctor the prescription that they issued her on Saturday. They gave her a months supply and it has to be repeated every month, so her doctor gave her another month's supply as a back-up which lives in the fridge and entered it into her medical records and the drug register system.

Then to the library in the pouring rain. The books were safe in a plastic bag inside old WW, who doesn't mind the rain, well, he's wicker so he wouldn't, would he? But she does, she bored to tears with this weather.. grrrr.

Down to the North End Market, to Margie for wire and hooks, to the butcher for liver ~ slurp ~ to UR market for hummus, to Karen for courgettes and brocolli and to Wilco's for L'Oreal's Sulphate Free hair shampoo and conditioner and plain vinegar and washing soda.

Then after lunch, Dear Readers, I got my knickers in a dreadful tizz. For she asked me to stand on the kitchen work surface. The last time I stood there, she put dreaded collar on me, today I squeaked and behaved like a sissy, squealing and kicking up a giantic fuss until I realised that, actually, she was attempting to take it off! I then felt very foolish indeed.

Yes.. dreaded collar is off! I immediately pulled a feather out and was told "NO, please don't do that" and she ran a bath in the kitchen sink and before I knew it, I was IN IT! All my feathers were washed, talk about being wet, then I was whisked away to the land of warm air that blows, aka bathroom where the hair dryer lives! Such bliss..

She has fiddled about doing stuff at home, it's blowing a gale out there and it's so dirty with dust and pollen flying about, her hair is upside down or standing straight up and it is too hot with a light jacket or freezing on the other side of the street, it's really a day of brrr and grrr!

Dentist tomorrow.. Opticians on Thursday.. the ENT specialist, Mr.Benjamin, for the results of the MRI on Friday.. as I said before " You may be bored by all her medical stuff but not HALF as bored as she is!" She longs for 'happier' weather.. our green army is getting a bit leggy whilst it's confined to barracks.

She is overweight.. her knee tells her this and she's got to lose .. lbs, it was confirmed this morning when she took her jacket off and stood on her doctors scales.. nice doc was surprised.. she wasn't.. she's the one waddling about on her poor old dodgy knee.. and she's shrunk half an inch!

Ah well.. let's get going on everything, shall we? Why not.. we might as well have something else to grumble about.. joke.

I am off to inspect my back and wing feathers which I haven't been able to do for over two weeks.. there might be a family of monkeys living there for all I know!

Things to do.. places to go. PipPip.

GeeGee Parrot.
May 12th, 2015.

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