Sunday, 31 May 2015


Yes folks.. it has rained! She thought it would when she wrote to Karen last night, she described the sky as beige.. not a happy sight.

Sure enough, upon opening the front door early this morning, she was met with a wall of rain and happy orange trees having a wash! If their blossom gets any bigger, we will have full sized oranges instead of the mini ones that usually grow on Calamondin trees.

So today, after a dreadfully restless night with the words of sad songs playing through her mind, she is taking coffee and goodly edibles to her Goaty friend at the Parson's Green Farmer's Market.

She, by nature, is not competitive. However, she was given something to eat two weeks ago which was being 'passed off' as a cheese biscuit, it was not her idea of a cheese biscuit and so today, she is taking a little box of her homemade cheese and herb shortbread with her and intends to give them to James saying, the biscuit equivalent of "you think that's a knife *" offering her cheesey morsels up for his tasting!

* Unfortunately the name of the Australian film from which that line came escapes her! Eureeka.. it was Crocodile Dundee! For his biscuits had no air in them.. then she and WW will visit the library to change books. She'll do the housework tomorrow.

April is supposed to come in like a Lion and go out like a Lamb and May is supposed to be 'fine' to set us up for summer.. well, it is all topsy turvy here weatherwise but they say we are due for a very hot spell, so it is good to have this rain, I suppose.

However, the wretched briar patch will be wet and so it won't burn properly, therefore Andrew and Matt WILL have to take it away on Thursday.. that's BORING.. very boring indeed. It is a great pity that a Goaty person will not eat briars, she has a couple of months supply for someone if they did!

We're off.. for we can't loll about all morning. We shared a delicious very runny cheese omelette that was made with the last smidgen of Goaty Curd.. I hope Debbie's got the big box of it with her today.. and she's getting into the clothes that she wore on Friday, hat, waterproof jacket, socks, boots.. you know.. typical English clothing for the last day of May!

GeeGee Parrot.
May 31st, 2015.

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