Sunday, 2 June 2013


Yes japes, Dear Readers, such a good but very underused word.. how often do YOU meet a Parrot when travelling on a bus? 

WE met such a nice woman yesterday, her name is Rena and she thought I was pretty snappy.. not her exact words but as she is going to come and have supper, she must have thought it!

I must say.. It was very 'snappy' to be at the garden again as it was a lovely day and this time, instead of being in the big cage by the shed, I stayed in the travelling cage and was beside HER the time.

Goodness ME, SHE does come across the most extraordinary folk whilst gardening, very strange wriggly people of all different colours, shapes and sizes! 

One person was tiny but he had a hundred legs, it was like watching a column of Roman Centurions marching as he was extremely speedy! 

WE have found out who it is that is 'lodging' in the little house on the front wall of the Shack.. it is a Blue Tit! SHE thought Jenny might have come back but no, she is a new friend and she wears the prettiest coloured clothes.

SHE weeded and de-stoned the square raised bed and planted lots of baby Cauliflowers, they are now amongst Onions.

This bed has very soft but good soil and most of these sweet Onions, which were planted as sets very early last October, are of a size good enough to pick. Sweet green leaves.. tasty in an omelette! 

SHE is off to see Debbie at the Farmer's Market at Parson's Green this morning and will then come back here, as SHE cannot go to the allotment with OUR precious Goaty produce! SHE has Rosemary for Goaty folk and Asparagus for Debbie. 

Supper last night in Kew was delicious.. give that man a chef's hat.. immediately, if not sooner! 

He grilled the Asparagus that WE took, laid it on fried bread and topped it off with a poached egg and a little sauce.. hello! YUM. 

Then came minced lamb, rolled in grilled slices of aubergine, with pine nuts and a hint of cinnamon, then roasted in the oven in a tomato sauce.. full marks Ossie.. 

Not a sign of either of the two resident Feline folk, aka Phoebe and Otto, it wasn't until the cheese appeared that Otto came into view. 

He didn't see ME on HER head for the longest time. And then he did.. oh dear, poor Otto. He has met HER many time but SHE has never worn an animated hat before!

Blogspot being norty.. more later.

GeeGee Parrot.
June 2nd, 2013.

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