Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Good evening everyone. WE have eaten the most delicious supper, yes sirree. Spring Lamb chops times three with steamed Asparagus and first of the season, Landcress and Mizuna salad.

SHE is tired beyond belief, worn to a shadow of HER former self, YOU would be too if YOU put the hours in that SHE does at the allotments, with no breaks, no sitting down.

SHE gets there, opens up Shack, gets the tools out, starts working, it makes ME tired just to think how hard SHE works when SHE is there.

So tired tonight that the bus went past HER stop and SHE had to walk back and passed a small Waitrose, which was a good thing as there were no Oat Cakes left and SHE was not going to start making these at past eight of the clock, that was for sure! 

SHE went in, to get to the oat cakes, YOU pass the vegetable selection, WE had run out of tatties, so SHE took a look at what they had and that was when SHE started to giggle. YOU know why? 

Now I know Spain is having a really grim time but who, in their right mind, would ever pick a 'Maris Piper' Potato when it was grossly undersized and pass it off to the 'unsuspecting' public, wait for it.. as a 'new' potato! And WHO would buy them for the shop to sell? 

They're really great for chips, roasting and for mashing but they are NOT and never have been, a 'new' potato. 

Please Lord.. please protect us from these, over paid, under qualified, department buyers in food corporations who do not have the faintest idea of what they are buying. 

All food has a season unless YOU want to eat 'French' Beans grown in Kenya, try following the local food seasons for where YOU live in the world. 

I guarantee the cost of YOUR food bill will shrink and YOUR produce will be much fresher. 

SHE eats Asparagus (admittedly SHE grows it) for eight weeks only, then Beans, summer Cabbage, Spinach, Chard (yum), Artichokes, both Globe and Jerusalem varieties. Tomatoes. 

Winter vegetables are pointed Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Parsnips, Turnips, Swedes, Onions, Chard, Perpetual Spinach, Broccoli tops, Squash. Yes, SHE grows most of these, 8,000 sq ft is a lot of space.

One thing SHE has never had luck with are Carrots, that may change. As on Friday SHE is building a very high raised bed, the soil going in will have a lot of sand in it.

OUR baby NEW Potatoes are small, firm and beyond delicious. They are not floury and soft.. they could almost be described as slightly 'waxy'.

Growing for US at the moment, WE have.. Anya, Charlotte, Pentland Javelin, they will keep us out of trouble and OUR tummies very happy. 

Sorry, Dear Readers, too late and WE are tired, bed time for US. I will be back tomorrow with the news of how that Hospital appointment went.. 

GeeGee Parrot.
June 5th, 2013.

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