Thursday, 30 June 2016


We know.. we didn't do before but we surely do now! The thing that Valerie 'pounced' on and said was beating too strongly is her Abdominal Aorta. It splits several times taking blood from your heart downwards.. as, of course, the ventricals are the veins that bring it all the way back up.

Valerie, after pouncing, had said "go to your GP and get it checked out, best to be safe." As her GP now has enormous respect for Valerie, she listened to what my mum had to say this morning and said "Ok, let's see what she is talking about", she went straight to it and poked about a lot, saying "Humm, does this hurt, have you had any pain, etc etc."

She described what she'd been feeling and her nice doctor said "ok and she is absolutely correct, it is your Abdominal Aorta and it is enlarged, the normal size is about 2cms, yours is bigger than that, so I am sending you for an UltraSound, this is very curious as you're fit, slim (!!), don't smoke and your blood pressure and pulse are absolutely perfect, I wonder why this has happened?"

So, there we are.. again.. Valerie's hands picked something up and it is, of course, something that my mum had no symptoms /.reason to go to the medics for! Uncanny.. thank goodness Valerie had that funny feeling about my mum and got her in for that second appointment.

Busy day tomorrow, not for me. for her. She has to have several blood tests done, followed by another doctors' appointment, then she's off to learn how to use the mobile credit card charge system. Saturday and Sunday, weather / rain permitting, she'll garden at the allotment.

Some Redcurrant's should be ready to pick, she saw them about three weeks ago and they were thinking about ripening then. I wonder if there are any cherries ready! Ooh, we love a good cherry or two, that's if they actually make it home and don't get gobbled up by who know who on the way!

The second pair of scales have now gone back to Argos, one pair being delinquent.. but two pairs? So she's had a refund and bought another pair which should arrive on Wednesday at her box number.

What about our Peonies? Sigh.. we have had such gruesome weather that they may all have been blasted into the next field, it is sad to see them shredded by the savage rain and winds. At least the Roses come again throughout the season, that's the only bad / sad thing about Peonies, they don't keep on flowering. They're one-shot wonders!

But we have good news from one of the Phaelanopsis Orchids at home! For not only is she, little Miss Moth Orchid, growing another huge flower stem up from her base but she has two very long branches that have sprouted from an older flower stem in the past two weeks with lots and lots of buds on them! This is why you NEVER cut your old flower stems off!

Oh.. LookieLookie.. it is time for an early supper! So off we go to rattle those pots and pans.. turkey breast is for supper, I saw her take the meat out of the fridge an hour ago. There is also huge tortilla cooling in its' pan, half for tomorrow and half for her lunch on Saturday at the allotment.

PipPip.. I'm out-bound for YumYum HQ..

GeeGee Parrot.
June 30th, 2016.
PostScript: One third of our Summer has gone, it was a dire month, much wetter than Spring and not nearly as warm!

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