Sunday, 29 July 2012

ITALIA.. I have a ONE loyal Dear Reader, I wonder who YOU are?

Faithfully.. Stats chart on MY Blog show ONE Dear Reader in Italy..

SHE sends MY Blog by email to three people in Italy, Laura in Milano, Stefano in Somma Lombardo and Caroline in Paola.. MY beloved Zaira is travelling with Marie-Therese so WE know it is not her..

So, which one of YOU is it that reads MY Blog?

WE would lurve to know.. Is it Laura or Caroline teaching English to Italians or is it Stefano cooking delicious meals in his restaurant.. how near are YOU to Milano Airport Stefano?

OR, is it none of YOU but some unknown Dear Reader who reads MY Blog very day laughing to themselves and thinks "crazy English"?.

Where do YOU read MY Blog, at work, at home, wirelessly whilst YOU are out and about having an expresso somewhere.. always interesting to know who one's Dear Readers are, some of YOU have become Followers and sign on as such.. and some of you send HER emails and tell us what YOU are a'doing.

WE like hearing what OUR friends are doing, Patsy in California is helping an elderly relative for a few weeks, Lynne, also in California, is due to come to London to finalise sale of her company, Rosamund in Germany is busy with guests and builders.. hope it goes well Ros.

Sam is on Islesboro, an island of coast of Maine for summer months and expecting eleven people to stay.. eleven, yes, YOU did read it correctly! BiBi staying with daughter and family in California, hope they made it up to The French Laundry to eat great YumYum?

But good days come to end, bed time for us Dollies.. SHE has Dental appointment in morning, molar to be extracted. So glad I don't have teeth.. I hope YOU take care of yours?

GeeGee Parrot.
July 29th, 2012.

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