Now, you all know my mum is not infallible but today, she was certainly the sharpest knife in the box.. why?
And lo and behold, she can order it directly from them, yes, she'll have to pay the postage but at least it means she will get it by next week, because Baldwins will only get it into stock when they place their next order and who knows when that's going to be.
Well, she telephoned G. Baldwin & Co to check, before she got on the bus for the jaunt to Elephant & Castle, that they had the product she wanted in stock and her squeak could have been heard up on Hyde Park corner when Duk said "I'm so sorry we have no stock of that item at all".
Luckily she had retained the outer packing from the last order we had, so she was able to contact the Dalgety importers directly.
An efficient man called Mark, sent her a response and gave her the email address for Dalgety's website.
And lo and behold, she can order it directly from them, yes, she'll have to pay the postage but at least it means she will get it by next week, because Baldwins will only get it into stock when they place their next order and who knows when that's going to be.
Well, from being a sunny and chirp-making day, it has turned into a cold and dreary wet one, boohoo. No gardening for her tomorrow, the soil will be sopping wet.
Did she not say to her fellow workers last night that we haven't seen the last of the snow and sure enough, instead of the Beast from the East, we now have the Pest from the West bringing snow and all other sorts of horrid weather direct to our door!
It was to be expected, for the Eastern Seaboard of the United States had dreadful weather about the time we had the first lot of snow, we get their bad weather about ten days later and, true to form, it's arrived.
Never mind, she has a fat book to finish on the Dreyfus Affair, it's about what happened to a man in France at the end of the 1800's.
This true story of the treatment and subsequent imprisonment of this innocent man by the French Government on Devil's Island, which is off the coast of French Guina, will leave you without breath, for it is truly 'breathtaking' in its' cruelty.
This penal colony was for political prisoners, it opened in 1852 and was known for the extremely harsh treatment of its' inmates, it closed in 1953.
So much for French Liberte, Egalite & Fraternite!
It's hot tea time! Oh, LapySang, here we come.
GeeGee Parrot.
|March 8th, 2018.
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