When she's feeling mad and flush with dosh aka money, she buys things to put into frosty white larder.. aka freezer. Early yesterday morning she took out a small packet of pork fillet which she had bought a couple of weeks ago.
She had sliced it very finely before freezing it, so it was ready to go. She rootled in a cupboard for chilli oil, cornflour, sunflower oil and soy sauce, in the vegetable basket of garlic and in chilly larder where she keeps opened jars and found.. eureka, a jar of chilli bean sauce!
She had sliced it very finely before freezing it, so it was ready to go. She rootled in a cupboard for chilli oil, cornflour, sunflower oil and soy sauce, in the vegetable basket of garlic and in chilly larder where she keeps opened jars and found.. eureka, a jar of chilli bean sauce!
She mixed crushed garlic, chilli oil, cornflour and soy sauce together in a small dish, put in the slices of pork, mixed well with the sauce, they would sit, defrost and marinate whilst she went to work.
Now, that's a sad word in our home at the moment for management have said I'm no longer to go to the shop when she does. 'Huh to that' I thought when she told me and I'm afraid to tell you that I did a simply disgraceful thing.
Whilst she was busy doing the pork, I flew onto WW's handle, turned around and, there's no other word for it so be prepared, crapped onto her basket which was in WW.. aka Wicker Wheelie for new Dear Readers.
How was I to know her most favourite cashmere sweater was in her basket? She didn't find out until she was in the wool shop matching the colour to darn a tiny hole. She was not pleased.. in the slightest.. as you can well imagine.
Moving swiftly along.. as you do when you've done dire and dreadful things and been found out.
The shop was busy so she was glad she had done the vegetable shopping before going to work, she left the shop late after having washed up mugs and tidied the 'kitchen' area and her work station.
Bitterly cold, she wasn't surprised to see that a lot of the stall holders had packed up and left early, she was pleased to be coming home to a spicy hot supper!
Having greeted me and told me that I was simply a disgusting dudu maker.. she washed her hands, put in her evening eye drops and went to make our supper.
Now here's a very curious thing! White rice brings her out in hives, big scratchy blighters that stay around for at least three days. But she can eat black or red rice until she's full to the brim! Isn't that strange?
She decided to use red rice from the Camargue and drop in the sugar snaps for the last two minutes to cook.
Having taken the dish of pork slices out of the chilly white larder.. aka fridge, she heated up sunflower oil in a pan and cooked the pork for 4 minutes each side, then stirred in the chilli bean sauce with a little amount of water.
The dish simmered for about three minutes, she sprinkled some rough chilli flakes on top with a tablespoonful of sesame seeds.
The rice and sugar snaps had drained, she dished it up and off we went to have our quick tasty supper. Indeed, it's worthwhile keeping a few quick and easy things stored in that frosty larder!
Now here's what you'll need to create this tasty dish.
What you need:
Finely sliced slices of pork fillet or chicken breast as many as you need.
A big fat clove of Garlic.
1 tsp. of Chilli Oil.
1 tbsp. of Cornflour.
2 tbsp. of Soy Sauce.
As much rice as you will need.
Sugar Snap Peas as many as you will need.
2 tbsp. of Sunflower Oil.
1-2 tbsp. of Chilli Bean Sauce.
1 tbsp. of Sesame Seeds.
2 tsp. of rough Chilli flakes.
It's a dish that we eat with chicken or pork, both are delicious. The slices should be thin, she thumps hers with a meat mallet.
Yum.. all this writing about food has made me Beakish, I wonder what she has for us tonight?
We've just had a distressing call from our beloved Myra, she's got a dreadfully sore throat and feels ghastly, mama will raid the market for cinnamon, lemons and ginger, for we can't have her ick-dick, can we?
Stay warm and dry.
GeeGee Parrot.
February 22nd, 2018.
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