Thursday, 15 December 2016


They've been erupting every night for several weeks, she's changed her washing liquid, she's tried wearing her night-clothes inside out (do not snigger, you'd try anything if you have these awful things erupting every night), she's de-flea'd the bed AND me! She's vacuumed the mattress, she's had all the bed clothes washed, she's tried everything!

They're bright red, painfully itchy and each one lasts for at least thirty six hours! So life each night is pretty grim, to say the least.

On the way back from Romford this afternoon, she looked at which essential oil would help stop the itching, as she really doesn't want to go down the antibiotic route and is fast running out of the truly magical stuff from France, whose name I cannot remember.

'Lavender, Peppermint or Blue Eucalyptus.. well, I have those, I'll try the last one in my new Coconut Oil that I've just bought', she thought. So after greeting me, she went into the bathroom to get the oils, scooped out two ounces of the coconut oil into a brand new jar, put it into a pan of hot water to melt the oil and put in five fat drops of the essential oil.

She gave it a good stir, then left it to sit and harden up for an hour. Taking a spatula, she scooped some out and gently put a dollop on each hive that she could reach.. AHHHH.. wow, the itchyness stopped almost immediately!

We had a simple supper of vegetable and rice and then went to bed. To catch up on the news and emails and to make a couple of calls. Taking with us, my apple and her yummy tasty Assam tea with its' added spices. Cinnamon and nutmeg which make it taste so delicious and just like chai.

A couple of hours later, she started to scratch... as normal as every night but tonight, she had the sense to search also for what could cause these wretched things!

NOOOOOOO... Not anything evil but terriblyterribly sad! Cinnamon and nutmeg are high on the list of hive causing ingredients, along with fermented foods and cheese. Now we don't think It's them but the itching and the scratching certainly started after she started putting those 'warming' spices into her nightly cuppa!

By the diet of elimination she'll identify the culprit and tomorrow there will be no bedtime spiced tea and I'll report back with our findings.

She was immediately reminded of a wonderfully silly birthday card that Constance kept for many years and it went something like this.. that everything 'good'.. is either fattening, illegal or immoral!

So true mes amis, so true!

GeeGee Parrot.
December 15th, 2016.

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