Tuesday, 20 September 2016


Yes, I did say yesterday that I would be back tomorrow and yesterday's tomorrow is now today! Keep up at the back there, I don't have time to go off looking for stragglers.

Early on Sunday, which IS usually a day of rest in our home, she produced my travelling cage and my heart sank.. right down to the soles of my funny toes. For I thought I was being taken back to jail and so to delay the agony I clambered in veryvery slowly, she put in food and water bowls, picked up my travelling bag and another basket, walked out of the door and turned the wrong way!

Very weird, I thought to myself, the route to jail's the other way, where are we going? We walked up the road, boarded a 22 bus and chuffed off down the King's Road, it transpired we were going to see friends! And I had a grand time, for although it wasn't a sunny day, it was warm and pleasant to be outside in the fresh air.

I tweeted, chirped and whistled a few bars of whatever came to mind and generally played the fool. Then lo and behold Goaty Mum Debbie arrived and gave me a pot of curd! So that, Dear Readers, was my Sunday jaunt, no, not a joint, a jaunt!

But today an extremely strange thing has happened. She is very puncticilious about birthdays and she wanted to send a card, it would have had to fly to Dallas so she was getting it into the post in good time, however, their address has disappeared! All that's left on her iPad contact is their name and their email address and yet.. she knows that she had all their details.

How can this have happened? Do iPads have a habit of doing this? Will she have to go laboriously through all of her contacts to see if other people's details are missing? It's BORING, to say the least.

Now that boiled egg has entered my blood stream and I have to burn off this protein rush. I know, I admit I'm 'pretty' weird but I have to go to door pole to play the fool and generally cause chaos, ringing landline and making in-coming fax noises!

And they confuse most of the passers-by, for these noises mixed up with a few bars of Auf Wiedersein and Diamonds are guaranteed to make those-in-the-know laugh and the others just think that someone doesn't have answer machine, for I do ring that poor old landine for a very long time.

We have questions.. all of which are far too 'politically incorrect' to post on my blog. But here is a taster, the father of someone recently 'directly involved' in something in America had to speak to the police through an translator, however we find this strange, as he has lived there for over 15 years.

Beak closed.

GeeGee Parrot.
September 20th, 2016.

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