Tuesday, 16 June 2015


She's meeting Debbie, Husky Monkey and some other kids at an Open Day in Hayes. She was laughing as she made the mayonnaise, in years long since gone by, she used to make two HUGE tubs of the stuff, one had garlic and spices, the other was plain ~ if you could ever call my mum's mayo 'plain'!

She steamed two carrots, a skinny courgette and a few french beans, dipped them into freezing water, drained them and they went straight into a mustardy sauce and into the fridge. There is a pot of Polish Summer salad with dill.. slurp.. a loaf of Lithuanian rye bread, a bunch each of radishes and spring onions ~ scallions ~ with a tub of veryvery garlicy mayo and a small tub of Maldon salt.

Debbie is also due to be producing goodly things and I do hope that there will be sone Gruff cheese.. oh.. please let there be some Gruff! For my mum surely does lurve this cheese.. then to finish off their picnic, there are some biscotti with dried black mulberries and two little bottles of non-alcoholic Campari, no alcohol as Debbie is driving her big trailer with its' precious load of kiddley-diddleys.

Why was she laughing? Well, in days gone by she'd have had four new outfits made for herself, yes, she used to do four days at Royal Ascot, and she'd have made probably in the region of eighty outfits for other women, all of whom also used to go for the week.

Yesterday, she washed her jeans and polished her boots for she and newly smartened up old Wicker Wheelie will be off a'jaunting off to Hayes & Harlimgton station and playing with goaty folk.

Does she miss her 'old' life.. Cheltenham, Ascot, Newmarket, Henley, Stella Artois & Wimbledon? Not one jot.. she misses some of the people but they're all dead, even if she got all 'tarted up' and went, they wouldn't be there anyway.. so no, is the honest answer.

Case of 'Been there, done that', but she knows that some of the bunch she used to see still go year after year, their lives seem not to change, strange.

Our life certainly has, that's for sure! Whoever thought that I would become a 'Healing Parrot' and work with a Dementia support group? Whoever thought all those years ago that she'd be happy 'playing'' in the mud and have 8,000 sq feet of land to cultivate?

Get up at a reasonable hour, feed me, dress, buy a small bag of ice, come home and put it into a thermos, check my yumyum and water, turn on radio, kiss me on my snitch, she's organised. I'm not jealous, I get to go on lots of picnics and I'll be Singing on Friday with the gang and get to eat all manner of stuff!

Oh.. lastly but most importantly, there are two big bunches of bananas in Wicker Wheelie.. for Goaty folk lurve bananas.

GeeGee Parrot.
June 16th, 2015.

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