Thursday 14 August 2014

Not a lot to report.. except that using drug addicts are not the nicest customers!

They aren't.. in fact, they are a 'flipping nightmare' which is how she described the one they had in yesterday!

Rude, demanding a discount, arrogant and totally oblivious to the fact that she was barking off her head.

Luckily they were 'saved' by a lovely woman who, realising what had gone on, became rather forceful and demanded loudly that "she shut up, let other people be served and that it would be a good thing if she left".

Oi vey.. 

What a drama and so it was a tired mama who was very weary when she came home last night, missing the bottom step and crashing down hard onto her right foot. 

Which then swelled up like an angry toad and hurt like hell, thank goodness for that old pack of frozen peas! Hygienists would have a fit, as they have been re-frozen goodness knows how many times, but they certainly saved the day or rather the night last night!

Poor old leg, so there were no gardening plans for her today and thank goodness she did not go for in the early afternoon, after a beautiful morning, the sky turned black and lots and lots of cold wet rain fell down!

There has been not a lot to report.. apart from gardening and working and seeing a couple of friends and doing research, our life has been quiet. 

But all is well, we are both at an age when 'life' does not have to be 'thrilling' all the time and even I, who never thought this would happen, go off to my bed at night quite happily.

And that is where I will be going in a few minutes time.

So we hope, Dear Readers, that you and all of your beloveds are happy and healthy, for that is all that matters, is it not?

GeeGee Parrot.
August 14th, 2014.

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