Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Good morning Dear Readers.. and good evening if YOU are in the Southern Hemispere.. 

Well.. here in deepest Knightsbridge, the iPad says that it is below zero and do YOU know? WE believe this hideous fact for, indeedy, it very chilly-billy indeed.

Never mind, for WE have great t'ings to tell YOU. 

At the top of the steps to the pavement, there is half a barrel in which lives a fat, old Brown Turkey Fig. SHE prunes this tree HARD every June and it seems to like this.. for every year it responds by giving us some delicious fruits.. yum.

But old Fig is not the Star of today's Post on MY Blog.. no, that honour goes to a un-invited guest who came to stay three years ago.

One day, three years ago, SHE saw sticking out of Fig's earth a skinny little leaf. SHE was VERY strict about Fig's barrel.. only Fig was allowed to grow in it! SHE pounced on this poor skinny leaf and yanked it out, thinking it was norty Mr.Weed who was doing his invading trick, only to find a small, equally skinny, little bulb on the end!

"Oh.. sorry", SHE said and pushed it back into the earth and wondered who little bulb was and which kind bird had dropped a seed onto Fig's barrel? Fast forward to last summer, when all was revealed, for skinny leaf threw a skinny stem with a flower.

To HER absolute delight, skinny bulb is an English Bluebell! There are two varieties of Bluebells, the Spanish and our own native ones.

The very invasive Spanish ones hold their heads up straight and have no smell, whilst our own natives are very shy, they hang their heads and have a fragrance all of their own. A marvellous perfume.

Penhaligon's 'Bluebell' is a charming fragrance but it is not a pure essence.. for that, YOU have to have a bunch of the real flowers. Only then can YOU understand the passion that WE have for this small but most beautiful of the English wild flowers.

Bluebells spread and from that one little, skinny bulb, WE now have two large clumps of this most welcome of guests. But, YOU are all wondering why the title of this Post is Blue & White, are YOU not?

For YOU see it is snowing here but our guest has decided to show a little bit of true 'English Bluebell' spirit and spring into flower!

She is 'dancing' in the snow and Mr.Fig is smiling, for YOU see, our pretty guests keep his toes warm!

All is well here as WE surely hope that it is with YOU.

GeeGee Parrot.
March 26th, 2013.


  1. I have only just read several of Oscar Wilde's tales which very much remind me of this one. Loved the colorful images and the twist of the story. So glad you let these bulbs flourish. I'll have to look them up in Wikipedia.

  2. The smell of English Bluebells is wonderful..
