Wednesday, 20 March 2013



SHE's lost the plot.. is out to lunch.. gone away with the Fairies. 

Dear Readers. I am sure YOU get MY drift! Well, it maybe classified as the beginning of Spring with the start of this Spring Equinox but when SHE stuck HER nose out of the door to see what 'it' aka the weather was doing.. SHE retreated smartly!

It is pouring with rain.. bouncing off our steps. So off came the outer layer - of many - of clothes and those cosy fleecy lined boots. 

WE are so bored of the days being dull as it is so dismal, especially as there was a pinkish sky last night. SHE thought it might be a 'nice' day.. sigh.

At home WE have buckets full of bare rooted Black Currants, Red Currants and Rose bushes waiting to be planted in the ground. Huh.. 

For it is extremely COLD and very WET the ground and this brings ME to the title of this Post.

SHE hates wearing gardening gloves and only wears them when dealing with Brambles / Blackberries and very spiky Gooseberries. So naturally poor fingers get a lot of abuse from cold, damp soil. 

The allotment plots are in England, between Chiswick and Kew, if YOU are new to MY Blog.
And there is not much warmth being beamed in 
our direction at the moment.

SHE remarked to dear Gabi Flixeder, a wonderful 
Austrian Kinesiologist based in Gmunden, Austria about having stiff fingers and sore joints and Gabi then told HER about BLACK SEED OIL.

The seed is, in fact, Black Cumin. So when YOU are looking for it.. make sure that the ingredient listed is Black Cumin Seed. SHE simply cannot recommended it more highly but especially if YOU are a gardener! The effect has been nothing short of miraculous on HER poor swollen knuckles!

That will have to do YOU for a while, as a late lunch is on the menu.. and YOU all know how much I love food.. especially Human Food aka YumYum.

GeeGee Parrot.
March 20th, 2013.

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