Saturday, 23 March 2019


She actually managed to curtail her curiosity until it was time to leave the plots yesterday and it was worth it!

Dean and she got the chain link fence up and she cleared the space in front of it almost all the way up to the boundary fence but she left the last four square feet full of evil briar and nettles.

It acts as an impenetrable barrier through which no one can get, well, not without choppers and thorn proof clothing! 

There was so much junk in front of this space, that she reckons there was a glass house there but a long, long time ago.

Armed with very thick gloves, rubber boots, a hand fork and a builders rubble bags to put the rotten wood and weeds into and another for the broken glass, she cleared it all and dragged the two bags off to the front of the allotment.

Dean and she will do a run to the local dump in three weeks time, by which time she will have dug out the old gooseberry bushes and the jasmine which never flowered but created chaos. 

Job done and time to head for home.

Walking along the track she greeted a woman planting onions, who appeared only too willing to stop and have a chat and who said "Have you met the new man on plot 14?" to which mama replied "I have but why do you ask?".

The woman smiled and said "You know I live locally and on Wednesday I was here quite early and there was a hell of a to-do going on at the base of the steps on plot #1, a huge white van was well and truly stuck and there was a monster of a tow truck trying to get the van out without get stuck itself, it took a long time!"

Mama smiled and explained her theory about the revenge of the trees and bushes and the woman started to laugh and she said that she too had been sorry to see that he had chopped down the trees and bushes without waiting to see what fruits the trees would have given him. 

Mama walked along the track and got to plot #1.. and oh dear, oh dear! What a mess, he hadn't just made a pigs ear of it.. he had made a boars head! 

The moral of this tale is, if you buy a house and it has fruit trees and bushes in the garden or orchard, wait until they fruit before chopping them down. 

GeeGee Parrot.
March 23rd, 2019.

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