Sunday, 3 March 2019


Old wimpy didn't go to any museum, the lamb 'called' to her, so the days plans changed from spending the day in a museum she got her pedicure kit out and ran a hot bath into which she shook a couple of big shakes of Epsom Salts.

With her dodgy right knee, she no longer bathes like you probably do, but sits on a very low wide stool in the water so this makes doing a pedicure easy.

We've told you that she drinks ginger, turmeric and pepper tea but have we told you about one of the magical side effects? It makes nails grow and this applies to toe nails as well as finger nails!

Having done scrub-a-dub-dub, her toes and hair, she climbed into leggings, a warm sweater and off we went to yumyum hq, where there were seriously tasty smells coming from a pot on the stove.

Ah-ha, the lamb stew! She turned off the heat, took down a pot and sliced a cauliflower in half.

Steamed cauliflower is something we both love, especially mashed up and drizzled with olive oil 
and Cajun seasoning, it must have a bit of crunch, so don't steam it for too long!

Then ladled the cauliflower into a wide shallow bowl, added a couple of ladles of stew on top and we went back to bed.

Yes folks, you did read that right, we went back to bed together with the stew, a huge mug of hot ginger, turmeric and pepper tea with grapes and almonds for 'pudding'.

What a great lunch we were going to have, she put a spoonful of meat and cauliflower in to my bowl and when we finished, we both thought seriously about licking our plates!

Papers to read, people to talk to and the coming week to sort out, a builder is coming on Thursday to deal with the mice's 'front' door. By deal, I mean stuff the gap with wire wool and cover the gap with concrete, that should thwart those pesky mice.

Jane has arrived back from her trip to Glasgow and called at 6pm, they discussed their week during which she told Jane about finding glorious red Calla Lillies tubers last week. So they've made a plan to go by bus to Shepherds's Bush and have lunch somewhere around the Bush.

And she is SO impressed with those little pots of narcissi in Lidl, she's going to go back for more.

She soaked the pots in water for two hours. Having left them to drain, she put them on the bathroom window, where, bless their hearts, they've rewarded her (for taking them out of the shop) by growing and beginning to bloom.

At 89p each, which won't break our bank, she'll pick up a lot more on Friday!

But before that, she has to pull furniture away from the walls so that the builder can examine walls to check for holes.. and do an enormous amount of ironing!

Our very light supper will be a smidgen of hard goaty cheese with grapes and almonds, slurp. What are you having for supper?

Good bye. We'll see you next week.

GeeGee Parrot.
March 3rd, 2019.

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