Thursday, 13 September 2018


Oh.. the joy! She went and had her new tooth fitted yesterday.. it isn't great. Her old dentist Doctor George Taylor would be horrified by it and so too would Doctor Crease, who did all the dental work when she was a child, but these two lovely men who were brilliant dentists are now both dead and she cannot go around just with that ugly stump for ever, can she?

So put up with it, she must.

However, her day got considerably better when she walked up the North End Road and came across Geoff and Sally's fruit and veg stall selling the most gloriously ripe spinyapples - you know them as Pineapples - at two for £1.50!

So she spent the huge sum of £4.00 and left with three ruby grapefruits, a huge bowl of bananas and two spiny jobs.

On up the road she went to see and talk to David, he always has fresh beetroot, so she slid £2.00 into his hand and he slid a bowl of small beetroot and six lemons into her basket. For a total of £6.00 she now had lots of fresh fruit and beetroots.

Off up the road she continued. Only to see something sad on the side of the road by St.John's church. It was a beautifully marked pigeon lying on its' back with not a trace of blood, the body was still warm and soft. She put her bags down and picked the body up, walked into the churchyard and laid it down on its tummy underneath a tree.

And her thoughts flashed back of holding Dagga as he died in her hands.. Poor pigeon. We know that people don't like them but we do and having had Tumbling Doves when she was a child and Peter-the-Pigeon for seven years, she knows how funny and intelligent they are.

Oi vey..

Next into Holland & Barrett which is a health food store, only to discover that they didn't stock pure Vit C, their products had all manner of evil fillers and, God forbid, sweetners in them! No wonder people are obese and overweight. These wretched manuafacturers slip ghastly things into everything.. fillers made of corn and wheat. Both of which trip off hives and sore swollen joints within half an hour of her ingesting them.

Up onto the Broadway to catch a bus home, stopping off at our Lebanese friends house to have a coffee and show them the new tooth, they were polite but Myra rolled her eyes.. which said it all.

Next stop home.. I was waiting for her on the top of our bedroom door and she reached up to stroke me and said that we had a huge treat for tea. Tea? We never have tea, I thought, I wonder what she has brought home.

She took off her jacket and shoes and went into yumyum taking the big bag with her. There was the sound of chopping and then I smelt.. SPINYAPPLE! Oh, yum.. we haven't had a fresh and properly ripe ones for ages.. WHAT A TREAT!

Peeled and chopped into bite sized pieces she brought the big plate into the bedroom and we both slid up onto the bed. She had the wisdom to bring a towel and she draped it over her left shoulder whereupon up I hopped and we settled down to eat this, one of the most delicious of all fruits, it was truly delicious and tasty.. Scrummydumptious.. and Slurpicious in fact.

And so we say "Thank you Geoff for running such a great fruit and veg stall".

GeeGee Parrot.
September 13th, 2018.

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