Saturday, 18 November 2017


Thursday, 18th of November, 2004. She got into the car and headed for Shropshire. The traffic was light and they made good time travelling north. Arriving just after lunch time, she greeted Rebecca, my breeder, and chatted to the other people who worked there whilst my big cage and other supplies were loaded into the car.

She spoke to Sydney, a Hycacinth Macaw, who lives free range and only comes in at night to have a cuddle, his supper and watch television before going to sleep in the big Dutch barn. He is a character, to put it mildly!

"Oh dear, look at the weather!" And there, rolling across the paddocks towards the farmhouse, was dense fog and rain! Ugh, kisses were quickly kissed, I was told by Rebecca to be a good girl and my new mother.. aka mum.. and I slid into the back seat of the car and off we drove to London.

It took hours, the weather was appalling, it was so awful even huge lorries were driving slowly as the rain lashed down in torrents.

North London came into sight after many an anxious moment and eventually the car pulled up to a halt outside the house. They unpacked quickly, she said "Thank you so much" to the kind person who had driven her and carried the last bit of my luggage inside.

She gave me a dish of YumYum and water on her bed and erected my big cage. Then transferred the two dishes into the cage, made herself a cup of tea and came back into the bedroom. It was like I had always been here.. this might sound a bit weird but from the moment I first saw her, when she came up to Shropshire to meet Rebecca and to find a baby African Grey, I knew we would be together and had surprised Rebecca and her greatly by flying on to her shoulder.

So there you are folks.. and as today is the 18th of November, 2017.. it's our 13th anniversary.

GeeGee Parrot.
November 18th, 2017.

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