Monday, 5 October 2015


She's happy but her tumtum isn't! Oh no, poor old tumtum is veryvery unhappy indeed, it's missing that black stuff aka proper coffee that she used to drink and is refusing to 'work', to put it politely.  She hasn't drunk coffee since Wednesday morning and, oh dear, is all I can say.

She has tried upping the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit, drinking more water but not a lot is happening and to add insult to injury, she registered a gain of 1/2lb on the scales at weigh-in this morning. That, I can tell you, did not please her one bit. Huh.

She had probably the last fine day yesterday at the allotment. We're in for serious rain as Hurricane Joaquin comes towards us, it was either drizzling or rain hard all today and she thought, as she had a lot of trotting to'ing and fro'ing to do, 'I'll wear my waterproofs' which kept her dry and snug and she was asked by two friends this morning 'Where did you get those?'

Yesterday was a busy day. Grass was cut, allotment tidied, the rain will be good as we've had a dry hot week last week, she wants moist ground in which to plant garlic, the apples are amazing! The various varieties are truly spectacular with their different colours and the pear tree leaves are turning to red and gold.

It is such a gloriously vibrant and colourful season, especially as some of the apples look like Chinese lanterns hanging on the trees.

To Vincent Square tomorrow to the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) Autumn Festival, the perfect place and time to speak to nursery growers and get tips on pruning. Then to Leyland's to buy a big wrench, the bathroom basin is not draining properly, so she has to take the U bend off to see if it is silted up, the plumber who installed this basin must have applied huge pressure when he tightened the last seal as it wil not budge.

Why the U bend should have silted up is beyond her but she'll try cleaning that first rather than just calling out a plumber, who may find just what she will when she gets it off. No point in paying someone to do something when you can do it yourself, PLUS she'll have a wrench in the tool box.

Wednesday she goes L'Oreal to have magic fingers work on her hair colour, goodness knows what it would cost in a salon as they do several techniques on her and it is looking amazing!

She followed a different recipe for Goaty curd yesterday, it wasn't a great success, the yield, out of 4 pints, was significantly lower that her usual recipe and the taste nowhere near as good, it's now hunt the original curd recipe time plus also the original recipe for ricotta. They'll be either in Favourites or Reading List on her iPad.. hopefully.

She'll buy beets from a farmer's market this Saturday, she has some whey from making the curd last Saturday, it means she now has the ingredients to make a couple of large jars of Beet Kvass, ohhh, how she loves this stuff and with proper Goaty curd - that she got given on Saturday - it is altogether a very slurpicious light meal.

And meanwhile.. there are two jars of Goaty Kefir hubble-bubbling away. These three things should cheer her poor old tumtum up, shouldn't they?

Now we're off to play chase the almond before I go to bed at a 'sensible' hour.. how boring.

GeeGee Parrot
October 5th, 2015.

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