Sunday, 14 December 2014

I forgot to tell you this..

That on November 18th we celebrated our tenth anniversary of being woman and parrot.. yes folks, we've been together ten years.

What did we do? Nothing special, no fancy celebrations took place, we spent the day together. We ate delicious things and remembered the long, very scary drive down from Shropshire. The weather was very similar, with wild wind and lashing rain.

Now we are in the month of December and the Christian festival of Christmas is a'coming, that old Goose is getting fat and on the day after Boxing Day, she and I will celebrate another anniversary.

Do you have a clue or do you know what it is? Go on.. be brave.. hazard a guess.. shake and rattle a brain!

It was called 'The Christmas Holidays'.. there is a huge clue.. our first post was written on Tuesday, December 27th, 2011.

Yes, Dear Readers, this year on December 27th we will have been causing you to choke with suppressed laughter at: Fandango dancing, to read about our strange habits, adventures that she and I have had, to know about chilly white-larder aka fridge and Wicker-Wheelie aka her trolley on wheels for three years!

Some of you are still reading my Blog, which we think is extremely sweet and we hope that we continue to amuse and inform you with the special and favourite things in our lives.

Such as very charming ribbons from The Little Printed Ribbon Company on the Isle of Man, all those scrummydumptious manner of Goaty products from Ellie's Dairy, that wonderful, completely chemical free soap from Richard and Elaine Hamner at The Green Mountain Soap Company, fabulous yumyum meat from her lubby-jubbly butchers Dickensons' in the North End Road, delicious Polish products from Bartek in Central Parade on Streatham High Street and last but certainly least the brilliant Herbalists called Baldwins, on Walworth Road, near to Elephant & Castle, London.

Of course, if you've been clever over the past three years, you will have already taken note of these wonderful suppliers and all the others that I have written about over the past three years.

Three years.. of having my own place to write just what I wish.. no editor has been employed in our house! Oh, it has been such fun and I hope you have enjoyed reading my posts as much as I have had writing them.. so onwards mes amis.

But now it is the dreaded time aka my bed time.. flapflap.. Dear Readers.. flapflap.. I'm off!

GeeGee Parrot.
December 14th, 2014.

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