Monday, 14 January 2013


Dear Readers.. decades past and SHE never thought or questioned why SHE no longer 'flew' down stairs.. SHE always walked and always held the banister / handrail.

In 2001, SHE met and had treatment in London by an Kinesiologist called Gabi Flixeder. On a visit to Gabi's home in Gmunden, Austria in June 2004, they talked about Past Life Recall. Gabi said that she knew someone who did this but recommended that SHE do further research on the subject before going through this.

Just over a year later Gabi gave HER the contact details for Sonia Desiderio and SHE made an appointment in October 2005.

Sonia welcomed HER into her home and talked HER through how she worked, this started with HER going back as far as SHE could and telling Sonia about HER life. For over two hours SHE talked until SHE reached present age in time.

Sonia asked HER to take HER shoes off and lie on the bed, she covered HER with a cosy blanket and explained that, although SHE would be under hypnosis, SHE would be fully awake. Sonia would be sitting beside HER and have a hand on HER shoulder.

That if at any time Sonia thought that SHE was distressed or showing signs of great anxiety, she would, by stroking HER shoulder, bring HER out of the hypnosis.

She said that SHE would be counted down into the hypnotised state by walking down a flight of 27 steps.. so she asked HER to close HER eyes and 'to start walking down the stairs'.

HER immediate response, in a young voice, was as follows "It is dark and I do not like this staircase", Sonia said "who are you, where are you, what are you wearing, you can turn on the light".. 

SHE replied "I am a young English woman staying with MY parents, their home is on the border, as MY husband is away it is safer for MY small household to be here, it is a dangerous time, I am aged 19, MY clothes are long, I am wearing several layers, I am carrying MY light which is a lantern, the staircase is steep and curves inside an tower, it is dark and cold, there is only one rail which I can hold onto, it is on the outer edge of the stairs".

Then after a silence of several minutes and in a much happier tone of voice, SHE said, "Oh, I know how I can get down, I can come down on MY bottom".. Sonia immediately asked HER "What are wearing", and HER response was "Jeans".

The rest of the session was 'uneventful' but extremely interesting.. but what was riveting was the discovery of where and why HER fear of falling down stairs, ONLY after SHE had reached the critical age of nineteen, came from.. 

For aged nineteen and living in the Medieval age on the border of England and Scotland, whilst staying with HER parents, SHE had tripped, fallen down on a staircase and died of a broken neck.

That was seven long years ago but if SHE is quiet and closes HER eyes.. SHE is that young woman in those long clothes, holding that 'light'.. luckily SHE has no recollection of the fall.

That is quite enough for YOU..  the next Post will be of Oxford Street.. sounds 'funny'.. wait until YOU read it, Dear Readers.

GeeGee Parrot.
January 14th, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. GeeGee, this is a fun post! Has SHE seen a medium since this time?
