Dear Readers.. Good morning to YOU all. WE trust that all is well?
Here in deepest Knightsbridge it is very FROSTY TIGER weather, very chilly-billy indeed but WE have a remedy for times such as this.. it is called LAPSANG SOUCHONG TEA!
And this takes ME immediately to title of this morning's Post.
Imagine being a Knight in days of old. What do YOU mean YOU can't? Try harder. Think about it.. clanking about in all that chain mail and armour, NO thermals in those days, brrrrr AND NO TEA!
For tea had not made it's way to England in medieval times, they drank Ale, Cider, Mead and Wine, they knew water was dangerous and brought 'sickness', there were no nice shiny copper pipes in those days, their water came from a river, spring or well. Often dirty.
YOU are wondering why I am thinking about these poor Knights? Well, it is because WE have just woken up and SHE has made US a cup of of this amber nectar.. the mug (WE always drink OUR first morning 'cuppa' from a pretty blue and white Spode mug) sits for a while to brew.. yes, I confess first mug is always Tea Bag Tea.. then SHE tastes it for hotness and I am offered the mug.
I am off HER head like rat down a drain-pipe.. onto HER shoulder.. I stand on HER left wrist.. beak in.. slurp.. head back.. and ahh.. all is well in OUR world.. LappySang down the throat.. delicious.
How do YOU start YOUR Sundays? I hope with as much pleasure.
Next stop YumYum HQ.. for Buttered Eggs, Rye Bread toast and a pot of strong Coffee.
WE are going to tell YOU an extraordinary Tale of medieval times, Mont St. Michel, Sonia in North London, Debenhams Store in Oxford Street, Los Angeles and Angels.. ALL IN ONE TALE!
It will be 'HOT OUT OF THE BEAK' later today.. don't miss it!
GeeGee Parrot.
January 13th, 2012.
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