Monday, 1 October 2012

OH FIDDLE-DEE-DEE.. for life is too short to stuff a mushroom!

Oh really, Dear Readers.. SHE is not up to all this technology! 

As SHE thought that writing in 'Pages' meant it was like a draft and that it would be easy to press 'Publish' and it would show on MY Blog as a Post.. well, it didn't!

So, there, on the right hand side of this page is a thing titled PAGES, then underneath HOME and then underneath that is title of PAGE is 'WHEN THINGS GO WRONG', YOU click this which will give YOU all this morning's Page / Post!

And now do YOU understand meaning of this Post's title?

Sometimes SHE feels very silly.. as rest of HER family are all up to speed on singing and dancing with 'Apple'. WE jurst grow them!

SHE is off in drizzly rain to give those wiggly worms another layer of leaf mould. ME, I am snuggly-buggly warm and staying here, I hear poor Otto in Kew has to go to see Vet today.. hope that Leigh wraps up warmly, it is not very pleasant out there.

GeeGee Parrot.
October 1st, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, technology can make you want to throw up your hands and go out in the rain to cultivate your garden.
