Friday, 4 May 2012

I am spreading.. Blog.. NOT MY waistline!

Dear Readers.. MY Blog is now being read in Poland! How about that.. huh.

I wonder who told them about MY Blog.. are they Polish? Or, are they a Dear Reader who has gone to Poland? I do wish that more of YOU would write in MY Comments Box, that is why it is there, especially for YOU to write comments in it!

Cockatiel Charly and Budgie Henri, who are Gurl birds, live on Vancouver Island with their Human family, WE want them to tell us what living in Western Canada is like.. and Jo's cat lives in Ottawa.. idle cat, not a word from him although his Human is a Follower of MY Blog, so cat has full access to Comments Box.

Mister Yowie Cat has not written recently but WE know why, he is obviously very busy learning new tricks with his new Humans, all Humans are a bit different so new tricks necessary. But WE do know why Little Miss has not written in MY Comments Box, she is too busy figuring out how to open door of cupboard where Debi-in-Sheffield keeps CatNip!

I wonder what there is that is like CatNip but for Parrots? Perhaps best NOT to know as Debi says CatNip makes Little Miss act in MOST peculiar fashion, imitates crazy cat by flinging herself up and down stairs and around house and then passes out and is oblivious to 'Claw', a neighbour's cat coming into house and eating her yumyum.. much more on 'Claw' in another Post.

YES, much best not to behave like that.. SHE says I am mad enough as it is.. especially when I have had SCRUMMYDUMPTIOUS yumyum, blood sugar whoooshes through veins, wind gets under Tail, I whizz about.. I talk non-stop.. yub-a-dub-a-doo.. Hahahaaaah! I can and do drive HER nuts sometimes.. especially if I can time it to coincide with telephone call or HER watching programme on that black skinny box.. Heheheeee.

But WE have not played either of MY most favourite games recently.. they are fun, SHE and I play Catch-the-Grape or Chase-the-Almond.. really must get HER to write note to HERSELF.. go to Market to get lubbly-jubbly Almonds and Grapes.. best, really best ones come from Turkish Food Centre.. HeeHee, wonder if I can get HER to go there tomorrow.. Saturday, oooh, fresh supplies of most delicious Humous AND Pink Stuff..

YOU should read earlier Posts in order to be proper 'Follower' status and be truly wroom vroom up-to-speed on all MY favourite things.

SHE brought Basil, Mimosa and Tommies inside, temperature outside dropping fast, WE are in for really cold snap. SHE put Orange trees into black plastic bags and covered seedlings with double layer of thin plastic to stop them being nipped by sneaky ole Jack, SHE would be very sad if he did something to them, SHE drained saucers so water will not freeze. It is that which would kill HER much beloved trees.

Now what's up? SHE is off to yumyum HQ aka kitchen.. I better go see that what SHE does concerns ME, YOU never know Dear Reader, SHE might try to sneak something out of fridge that I don't see and I cannot have that.. no, indeedy no, for instance, I know that there is new packet of Tortilla chips, HOT Chilli flavoured ones in yumyum HQ PLUS Duck breast.. oh, way to MY heart is direct.. straight through MY tumtum.

It is a Bank Holiday on Monday here in UK, so if YOU live here, I hope YOU will enjoy the three days.. to all other Dear Readers wherever YOU may be, enjoy yourselves. I hope to post over next few days but for now.. Good night.

GeeGee Parrot.
May 4th, 2012.


  1. Hallo GeeGee,

    Charly and Henri say sorry that their humans have been so slow! I think the one with the beard, who makes a good perch, is still recovering from the flight - no wings of his own so it must be hard! Still, good to have him back as he is company and sits at the desk writing at this machine quite a bit.
    Our favourite gurl, Lilli, and the bearded one, were all dressed in white yesterday - they went lawn bowling. It was a beautiful sunny day, just right for good company and playing on the lawn. Although, a good stretch of the wings is exercise enough for us.
    Our boy, James, who is getting so tall, enjoyed the sun too. He always did enjoy digging holes and he put that skill to good use in the garden. Always lots to do, it seems, for the family.
    "Bossy", as we affectionately call Christiane, always beavering away and keeping things in order, had a good weekend. Working hard, going for walks, puttering around.
    Okay. They are all getting ready to start their day - work, school, and play. I, Charly, went to school once, many years ago, with Lilli. She took us to her primary school to meet her friends. Nice to see them all but lots of noise and activity, a bit too busy for me.
    Take care,
    Charly and Henri.

    1. Greeting Charly-Bird.
      How very nice to hear all is well with you, Henri and your Humans.. lucky them having sunny days to go Bowling.. here very chilly-billy with LOTS of wet stuff falling out of grey sky. Happy to read James Human enjoys digging, so does SHE, poor worms, must be annoying to be jurst where you want to be and Human lifts you up and puts you somewhere else..
      Never mind, we get good yumyum from what they do, so it should be encouraged at all costs.
      Yes, we are lucky to have our flap mechanism, but West Coast of Canada loooong way from England, I suppose bearded one flew in metal tube, quite stressful. Off to yumyum hq, thanks again for writing, best wishes to all.. GeeGee Parrot.
