Monday, 7 May 2012

Buon giorno.. Dzien dobry.. Gutenberg morgen.. Labrit.. Selamat pagi.. Good morning.

Yes.. MY Blog goes to distant lands.. today I welcome YOU, Dear Reader, in German, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Dutch, Polish and, of course, English to MY Blog. Many more languages are spoken.. but these are quite enough for today!

And what are plans for today? It is a holiday, friends from Cincinnati are due this afternoon. SHE has work to do with vegetable seeds, with ole Jack Frost scattering his icy wares upon garden it is too cold and wet to plant seeds in ground, they start life off at home, this way when frost date has passed they go into raised beds to grow on.

SHE does not bother with 'proper plant pots', but uses plastic cups which are much deeper than little pots, cups are perfect for plants that like long root run, they sit in long plastic troughs with water and sit on window sill, then harden off on ground outside to be ready to be planted out mid June, yes, norty ole Jack Frost stays around until June the ninth.. norty Jack!

Much to do.. SHE had better get on and do it! I will watch.. and report on progress later this evening. Enjoy your day.

And here in deepest Knightsbridge it is a VERY 'good morning' for ole Man Sun has decided to shine his light, yes Dear Readers.. a bright, clear day.. how about that.. with SUNSHINE!

GeeGee Parrot.
May 7th, 2012.

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