Me, big travel cage, blue Ikea bag, pink towel, water bowl, parrot yumyum, shed and gate keys, bus pass, a £5.00 note, house keys, boots, jacket, suitable clothing, why it sounds just like an expedition, which, of course, is what it was.. a journey.. to the allotments!
And it happened two days running for, wonders will never cease, it stopped raining! Old Mr. Sun found his torch, switched it on and we had two beautiful days which were sunny and warm!
We got a message from Debbie Goat on Saturday morning saying that 'she was a trifle warm in her thermals!'
But, true to form, the rain's come back and it's a dismal day again.
But the difference in those two days was quite staggering! The apple, pear and the quince trees were 'thinking' about blossom on the morning of the first day and when we left at the end of the second day, the blossom was well formed and they should all bloom within the next ten days or so.
And, much as we have moaned about the amount of rain that we have had in the past few weeks, together with the snow, it's done the ground a lot of good and the peonies and roses will be spectacular this year.
But, she ain't no fool, she reckons we are in for another blast of cold weather so has left the old growth around the peony plants to protect them from frost.
Last year we had an evil frost in the latter part of May, it 'bit' the fig trees so badly all their leaves shriveled up and died.
And only one of the six new artichoke plants in the centre bed has made it through this last bit of bad weather.
They were ok at the beginning of March but that snow and ice has killed them, luckily she planted another four in the back border and they've survived as there's a fence which protected them.
And today we are off again but not gardening, for we are invited to a Russian Orthodox Easter meal!
Oh yum! And we already know what we will be eating as the 'menu' was discussed last Sunday, it is a tradition in Romania to eat lamb at Easter, interestingly it is the only time that they eat it, unlike here when we eat it all through the year.
And Andreea, not a spelling error, will be making Borsch.. 'oh slurp, I love beetroots' she said to Andreea when she said that she would be doing this. And me.. well, you know that I will eat any and everything that's going!
She dug up some wild garlic, potted them up and together with an Easter egg and lots of fresh herbs, which were cut yesterday, these are our 'thank you' presents for this lovely meal.
For what better to give a master chef than fresh organic herbs!
The forecast is for a wet week, so there'll be no journeys to the plots this week but next weekend and the week after, if the weather forecast is correct, we will be gardening almost every day.
But not next Sunday, for Debbie Goat will be at Parson's Green Farmer's Market and has 'stuff' to talk about with my mum.. no, can't tell you what it's about 'cos I don't know. I'm only a small grey parrot and am not privy to other people's stuff.
Sad but true and she doesn't gossip.
Off we go to get ready, well, I'm ready but she's got to get dressed in suitable 'going out to dine with friends' clothing' and 'put' her face on! I'm sure you all know what that means.
Have a happy Sunday wherever you may be.
GeeGee Parrot.
April 8th, 2018.
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