Wednesday, 18 January 2017

RICK STEIN IN PALERMO.. QuickQuick! An email must be sent to Joe in Canada immediately to get a recipe!

It will go off to him immediately after we publish this short post. Rick Stein has been on the BBC1 channel going for a weekend to lots of interesting places.. Iceland, Berlin, Vienna, Thessaloniki and Palermo to name a few that we have seen.

And towards the end of tonight's programme, he went to to meet with Duchessa Nicoletta Polo in her beautiful home the Palazzo Lanza Tomasi, she is the daughter in law of the man who wrote 'The Leopard' and she taught Rick how to cook Panelle, they are Sicilian chick pea flour fritter.

As they're made out of Chick Pea flour, which she can eat as it has no gluten, oh yippee, with water, parsley and salt - she cannot eat any flour which has gluten in it - these would be wonderful!

Now why is Joe getting an email? Well, his parents are from Sicily, so there's a fair chance that he might know what she's wittering on about or that his mother will.

Bed time.. we are going to bed early in this household. She has to fill her drinking water bottles (three of them, she making herself drink lots and lots of water these days), put her last lot of eye drops in and then it's time for the light to go out.


GeeGee Parrot.
January 18th, 2017.
PostScript: She woke up the next day and did an on-line search for Panelle and lo & behold, oh, the wondrous web has the recipe! Also a full description of that programme together with the Duchessa's full name and other recipes, so this post has been altered slightly.

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