Monday, 7 September 2015


Well, they're still not reallyreally ripe! But wasps are hovering around as our figs are beginning to ripen. A whole month behind the usual first eating date. Yes, the weather this year has been weird, to put it mildly.

But wasps have an acute sense of smell and can sniff a ripening fig from a long way, they have had a good munch at a lot of them but don't understand that when this variety of fig to be reallyreally ripe, they fall down on their stems. So there were many wasted figs where old wasp had eaten the little top bit which was ripe and left the rest.

But joy oh joy, the ground is easier to deal with, it's drank the rain which poured down in the last week. She can now stick a fork into the ground whereas two weeks ago that was impossible. However, we need more.. sorry folks but we do.

None of the usual suspects were there when she went to work at the allotments yesterday, I didn't go as I am now wimpy and do not like it when she's out of sight and so I cry.. this makes her sad and, of course, grumpy as it takes an hour at least to get there and for her to have to then leave to bring me home.. well.. it's better if I stay at home and doze on pole.

Bob and Tom are on their ship, they're sailing across the Atlantic in style and arrive this Friday at Southampton, it will be glorious to see them again.

This is a quiet week, the painters and she have agreed they will do her front door tomorrow. This means that it has to be open all day for them to paint it and for the paint to dry. Gloss paint takes ages to dry and harden.. boring but necessary.

She'll garden Wednesday and Friday and Sing With Dementia on Thursday, they have changed the day, I won't go this week but I will when the weather is colder and exterior doors are closed which will be fun.

Time to go, she's got things to do, I'll doze and think about that tasty fast-breaking yumyum I ate.

FlapFlap.. Dear Readers.. FlapFlap.

GeeGee Parrot.
September 7th, 2015.

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